Thursday, June 9, 2016

What Was Wrong With Us Two Years Ago

Does anyone have an answer to this cause I'm here crying about how terrible everything that was have done is to this poor blog.

Susan S. Susan

Is our biggest fan still out there?

Sunday, July 7, 2013


If you're reading this, that means you are on Instagram or my blog. Either that or you broke into my phone, and I hate you for it. Anyway, I am challenging all of you to post a picture or video of a food this week and hashtag it at #foodismorethangooditsgreat. Repost this and get your friends to do the same.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


These are the new thing, huh? Send in what hashtags you use under comments, and we'll create a list.


They're fat and chubby. I want to squeeze them. Hippo!!!!!!!!

Belly Buttons

Innies or Outies? Which one do you have? Why are they called buttons? Why aren't they called belly dots? It's weird.


It's yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, must of it is. As a little kid I really hated brouslesprouts. Now they're okay. Must food, though, is DELICIOUS!!!